We work to ensure all children, cradle to career, have access to quality education in the communities we serve.
Long Island Regional Technical Assistance Center
Supporting schools, community-based organization leaders, and families in increasing equity, access, and quality of Pre-K and early childhood programs across Long Island with partner organizations through technical assistance, capacity building, research and developing innovative new models

JumpStart Learning Hub
A year-round learning support hub for children to achieve success through academic support, academic enrichments, social-emotional learning, mindfulness, and healthy physical activity. The program is provided through an out-of-school model during the school year, summer, and recess time or as a drop-in center for high school youth

Music & Art Speaks
An evidence-based art and music therapy program for school-aged children to address physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs.

Choice Capacity Programs
We work directly with teachers, school district,s and early childhood centers on key issues impacting quality education. Focus topics include family and community engagement, anti-bias classrooms, out of school learning, building equitable schools and special education advocacy.

Parent Advocacy in Special Education
We provide advocacy for parents of children with disabilities. Serving as a parent and child advocate, we work directly with school districts to ensure children have access to quality education. We also provide a quarterly special education parent advocate training for parents to enhance their leadership and awareness of policies impacting special education.